The Telefunken Hochhaus at Ernst-Reuter-Platz in Berlin Charlottenburg. The highrise building has 22 floors and with its 80 meters it once was the highest building of Berlin, until...
I just opened another category (originally for the stock images section of Bilderbook): backgrounds. There you’ll find images that are suitable as a...
View from Schönhauser Allee / Schwedter Strasse down to Mitte – looking towards the TV Tower. On this particular Sunday evening the skies were particularly...
Blue skies, yellow house, green streetlamp. This streetlamp in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg completely overgrown. Actually in this street near Mauerpark you would find a couple of...
A HDR image of the French Cathedral at Gendarmenmarkt as seen from its backside on a sunny day. In German the French Cathedral is called Französischer Dom –...
In Prenzlauer Berg the “Administrative Office for Citizens” (Bürgeramt / Bezirksamt Pankow Prenzlauer Berg) is located at Fröbelstrasse – a group of old brick...
A view from the highrise in Voltastrasse, housing the Deutsche Welle headquarters. In the center of the photo you can see the almost iconic floodlights of Jahnstadion –...