Santa Claus with reindeer in Ruka, Finland

Santa Claus with reindeer in Ruka, Finland

Every year again… Now I just had to re-publish this photo of Santa Claus with reindeer – simply because it’s so beautiful. The photo has already a few years on the hump, but apparently still enjoys great popularity. Every year at Christmas time, many people seem to be looking for “Santa Claus with reindeer”.

The photo was taken rather by chance, when Santa Claus just made a stopover in Ruka. For geographical orientation, Ruka is in the north of Finland – not in Lapland, but very close to Lapland. And Ruka is very close to Rovaniemi – the town that is right next to Santa’s official headquarters.

So if you ever want to visit Santa in person, all you have to do first is go to Rovaniemi – from there there are buses to Santa’s village. I once had the pleasure of meeting Santa in person – and can highly recommend it. Even for older children, a visit to Santa is literally an impressive experience.

Do I believe in Santa Claus? I no longer ask myself that question since my visit. After all, I met him in person!

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