Hanover: Marktkirche ('Market Church') with pentagram

Hanover: Marktkirche (‘Market Church’) with pentagram

The Hanover Market Church “Marktkirche St. Georgii et Jacobi” has a pentagram on the steeple – and not only that. If you take a closer look, you will notice all kinds of religious symbols: the clock is framed by a hexagonal star / hexagram (also called David’s shield).

Even if it might be a quite ‘interesting’ thought, but the pentagram on the tower of the Marktkirche has no direct deeper meaning. Only in connection with the other signs on the tower the meaning becomes somewhat clearer. The different symbols are also called signs of life – a web page of the Hannover Church used to explain the different meanings: “Of signs of life and their meaning”. But that page seems to be offline at the moment. However, here is the page about the Marktkirche at Wikipedia.

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