Album: Wendland: Dannenberg

Marschtorstraße, view to the St.-Johannis Church
View from Marschtorstraße in the direction of the town center. The street is still decorated with green-yellow flag garlands because of the Schützenfest, in front of...
Castor X-Monument in Dannenberg
The Castor Memorial mainly consists of a pair of railway rails welded together to form an X, which are mounted...
Dannenberg Skyline
Links der Glockenturm der St. Johannis Kirche, rechts der fast schon kultige Waldemarturm.
Alte Jeetzel in Dannenberg
View to the Alte Jeetzel from the bridge Jeetzelbrücke / Marschtorstraße in Dannenberg.
Alte Jeetzel in Dannenberg
View from the bridge Jeetzelbrücke in Marschtorstraße, heading down stream.
Alte Jeetzel, Schloßgraben
Swans on the Alte Jeetzel at Schloßgraben in Dannenberg.
Sheep by the lake in Dannenberg.