28. December 2021 Hamburg Fleets: Postbrücke, BleichenfleetView from the Poststraße or Postbrücke on the Bleichenfleet on a frosty December day. In the...
26. December 2021 Dömitzer Brücke (motorway bridge)Dömitzer bridge / motorway bridge on a cold but beautiful December day.
25. December 2021 Schnackenburg Harbour: Aland BridgeView from the east side of the Aland bridge to the...
4. December 2021 Berlin Mitte: Große Hamburger Strasse / Sophienstraße / Berlin CathedralView from from Große Hamburger Strasse corner Sophienstrasse in...
22. November 2021 Dannenberg SkylineLinks der Glockenturm der St. Johannis Kirche, rechts der fast schon kultige...
10. November 2021 TV-Tower from VeteranenstrasseThe Berlin TV-Tower as seen from Veteranenstrasse on a cold but nice day in November 2021.
8. November 2021 Blue Porsche 928A blue Porsche 928 as seen in Kastanienallee Berlin Prenzlauer Berg.
9. October 2021 Jeetzel, Hiddos Arche HitzackerThe house boat and restaurant / cafè Hiddos Arche on the...
6. October 2021 Alte Jeetzel in DannenbergView to the Alte Jeetzel from the bridge Jeetzelbrücke / Marschtorstraße in Dannenberg.
3. October 2021 Blue Wooden House, Red WineA walk Am Langenberg – at the very top there is a roundabout and...
26. September 2021 Strassburger Strasse, view towards MitteView from the watertower hill in Prenzlauer Berg towards Mitte
24. September 2021 Cydalima Perspectalis a.k.a. Box Tree MothWhite small butterfly on a white wall: a beautiful Boxwood Borer a.k.a. Cydalima Perspectalis a.k.a. Box...
16. September 2021 Alte Jeetzel in DannenbergView from the bridge Jeetzelbrücke in Marschtorstraße, heading down stream.
23. August 2021 Sky and Earth and Country AirSummer of the Elbuferstrasse in the Wendland: blue sky with...
31. July 2021 Sunflowers and BumblebeeA sunflower field next to the Elbuferstrasse – shortly before...
14. July 2021 Snake playing Snake [VIDEO]Do you remember the Snake game that came with every Nokia mobile phone...
3. July 2021 Schnackenburg Port / Harbour BasinView from the observation tower of the Schnackenburg harbour basin. In the background, the silhouette of the town of...
16. May 2021 Lüneburg Kalkberg Panorama St MichaelisPanoramic view from the Kalkberg towards St Michaelis church. To the left you can see the bell tower...
8. May 2021 Hitzacker: Buoy at the mouth of Elbe-JeetzelHitzacker is located where the Jeetzel flows into the Elbe. And at the very tip of the headland that...
5. April 2021 Berlin U-Bahn Eberswalder StrasseThe empty U-Bahn station Eberswalder Strasse in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg...
4. April 2021 Berlin Skyline with TV-TowerThe Berlin Skyline with TV-Tower on a cloudy day in spring 2021. The photo was taken from a...
13. March 2021 Hitzacker Skyline on a Cloudy DayView on the Hitzacker Skyline from close to the river bank of the...
27. February 2021 Elbe Panorama – Rorschach Clouds Reflection [Video]Every spring time the banks of the river Elbe are flooded. With the right weather...
13. February 2021 Bridgehead of the Dömitzer Brücke in WinterWinter walk at the Dömitz bridge – view to the bridgehead.