Summer of the Elbuferstrasse in the Wendland: blue sky with a few clouds, a field, vastness, peace and quiet. The photo may look like a montage, but it’s...
View from Schönhauser Allee / Schwedter Strasse down to Mitte – looking towards the TV Tower. On this particular Sunday evening the skies were particularly beautiful, all colors –...
A colorful sunset at Brunnenstrasse in Berlin-Wedding. The building is the 80ies appartment building spanning / bridging over Demminer Strasse. Find this image...
After a couple of sunny days the clouds came back to town. And when the sun and the clouds meet, they are sometines doing their beautiful thing… You...
Calm wind on the Baltic Sea in southern Sweden: a mirror-like water surface – hardly a breath of wind to be felt. Picturesque Baltic Sea view with ‘interesting’ sky:...
In Prenzlauer Berg the “Administrative Office for Citizens” (Bürgeramt / Bezirksamt Pankow Prenzlauer Berg) is located at Fröbelstrasse – a group of old brick buildings, that used to be...
A view from the highrise in Voltastrasse, housing the Deutsche Welle headquarters. In the center of the photo you can see the almost iconic floodlights of Jahnstadion – the...