Sky and Earth

Sky and Earth and Country Air

Summer of the Elbuferstrasse in the Wendland: blue sky with a few clouds, a field, vastness, peace and quiet. The photo...
Berlin TV Tower, beautiful skies

TV Tower, beautiful skies

View from Schönhauser Allee / Schwedter Strasse down to Mitte – looking towards the TV Tower. On this particular Sunday evening the skies were particularly beautiful,...
Summer in Finland - Sunset by the Lake

Mirrored Sunset by the Lake

No wind – the lake lies quiet, surronded by woods. The sun sets – and the sunset is mirrored in the lake. And when the sun sets in Finland,...
Hanko Stormy Sea with Rocks

Hanko: Stormy Sea with Rocks

View to the open sea on a windy, almost stormy day. Hanko is basically a peninsular. This photo was taken on the west coast of the Hanko...
Sunset at Danziger Strasse Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

Sunset at Danziger Strasse

A HDR image of sunset at Danziger Strasse in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, near Schliemannstrasse. The rails of the tram line...
Turning Torso, Malmø

Turning Torso, Malmø

The Turning Torso in Malmø on a cloudy but nice day in April. A nice snapshot I took with my iPhoneSE driving across the city: silhouettes of...
Berlin Wedding - Brunnenstrasse Sunset

Sunset / Pink Skies at Brunnenstrasse II

A colorful sunset at Brunnenstrasse in Berlin-Wedding. The building is the 80ies appartment building spanning / bridging over Demminer Strasse. Find this image on Instagram here.

Sun and Clouds

After a couple of sunny days the clouds came back to town. And when the sun and the clouds meet, they...
French Cathedral Berlin / Französischer Dom

French Cathedral / Französischer Dom

A HDR image of the French Cathedral at Gendarmenmarkt as seen from its backside on a sunny day. In German the French Cathedral is called Französischer Dom –...
View of the Baltic Sea

View of the Baltic Sea

Calm wind on the Baltic Sea in southern Sweden: a mirror-like water surface – hardly a breath of wind to...

Øresund Bridge: Pylons and Sky

View upwards during the crossing of the Öresund Bridge: the mighty pylons of the Öresund Bridge and an ‘interesting’ sky full of...

Finnair Aircraft Wing

On the flight to Helsinki, Finland: looking out of the window at the wing with the Finnair logo.
Berlin: Crane installation with autumn sky

Crane Installation with Autumn Sky

A crane is being erected on a new construction site on the corner of Invalidenstrasse and Ackerstrasse (Berlin-Mitte) with the help...

Öresund bridge pylons

All good things come in threes – so I finished a third Öresund Bridge wallpaper and made wallpapers in...
Chimney at Fröbelstrasse, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

Chimney at Froebelstrasse

In Prenzlauer Berg the “Administrative Office for Citizens” (Bürgeramt / Bezirksamt Pankow Prenzlauer Berg) is located at Fröbelstrasse – a group of old brick buildings, that used to be...

Taxi Stand at Airport Tegel

The Taxi Stand at Airport Tegel on a cold, but beautiful day in November, not too long time after sunrise. In the...
Masonry | Matrix