
Rainbow colored park bench
Somebody painted this park bench in rainbow colors. I am totally loving it. I mean – it’s not just ‘painted’ but actually somebody took the time and...
Graffiti in Mauerpark
Sunset at Mauerpark – the sunlight is reflecting in this graffiti on the graffiti wall in Mauerpark. The wall is not the Berlin...
Berlin Street Art Love
A big LOVE as seen on a wall right next to the rails in Reinhardtstraße in Berlin-Mitte. Berlin loves you. Approved. The photo may...
Another short graffiti / statement found in the streets of Berlin: “Youth”
LOVE in the streets of Berlin
Another piece of LOVE streetart – this time on top of one of these boxes you see in the streets all across Berlin – this one is probably...
Writing on the Wall: Kultur
A small writing on the wall saying “Kultur” – the German word for Culture – found at the S-Bahn station Humboldthain in Berlin’s borough Wedding. Mankind has always...