Berlin Mitte Invalidenstrasse / Brunnenstrasse

Invalidenstrasse / Brunnenstrasse

The house at the intersection of Brunnenstraße and Invalidenstraße currently looks a little strange / interesting. The formerly three-story building has had its second floor removed. The first floor and the ground floor are apparently being ‘gutted’. The murals / graffiti on the neighboring buildings can still be seen and are strangely detached from the rest of the building.

Trabbi in Mitte – the Trabant 601s

Trabbi in Mitte – the Trabant 601s

Another photo of another car – and once again a GDR design classic and a good old acquaintance: the legendary Trabant 601s – also known as The Trabbi – in classic Trabbi gray. Seen in Berlin Mitte in front of a Berlin wall.

Now this country has been reunited for over 25 years. The Trabbi stands for the German-German reunification like no other car. Many GDR citizens first used the Trabbi to travel to Hungary and then on to the West. And it was with the Trabbi that the first trips to the West were made after the fall of the Wall.

In total, just over 3 million Trabbis were manufactured in Zwickau. Most of them have since been decommissioned, scrapped, forgotten. As far as I know, the last Trabant 601 was produced after 1990. So this one should be at least 25 years old.

Camera: iPhone 4s (without filter)

Berlin-Mitte skyline: Art on the building

Berlin-Mitte skyline: Art on the building

Art on building in Berlin-Mitte: A sculpture stands on a roof and waves or greets passers-by.

Two-story houses, green facades, yellow window, sculpture on the roof – Berlin-Mitte skyline near Ackerstrasse / Invalidenstrasse

View of the Baltic Sea

View of the Baltic Sea

Calm wind on the Baltic Sea in southern Sweden: a mirror-like water surface – hardly a breath of wind to be felt. Picturesque Baltic Sea view with ‘interesting’ sky: the next rain shower is already lurking. Erratic blocks in the water, greenery, sand.

Øresund Bridge: Pylons and Sky

View upwards during the crossing of the Öresund Bridge: the mighty pylons of the Öresund Bridge and an ‘interesting’ sky full of clouds.

Copenhagen > Malmö – Öresund Bridge and Sky

Dramatic sky between Denmark and Sweden

Once again a trip to Sweden – and once again we cross the bridge. On the way we get a first impression of the Swedish summer: sun over the Öresund, thick rain clouds over Malmö – once again a nice view of the Öresund Bridge – or would ‘on or from the Öresund Bridge’ be more appropriate…? Ah…

Find: Keyboard to go

Find: Keyboard to go

Such found objects always make me wonder a bit: Who puts an old, used keyboard on the sidewalk? Does the person possibly really hope that someone will take his old keyboard? Does someone possibly even take an old keyboard that is just sitting on the sidewalk? …I guess I’ll never know….

Ackerstraße, Berlin-Mitte – green yard

Ackerstrasse, between Torstrasse and Invalidenstrasse – The trees belong to a small park, which is actually not a park, but rather a playground and passageway to Bergstrasse.

Graffiti in S-Bahn tunnel

The other night in the underground: ‘my’ S-Bahn passes a S-Bahn depot – in the window of a parked S-Bahn you can see the graffiti that is attached to ‘my’ train…

Summer fields – Gusborn tower

Summer in Lüchow-Dannenberg:
View of the so-called Torii tower near Gusborn,
a farmer blasting his fields,
blue sky, green forests.

Stars Night Sky

Stars Night Sky

A small spontaneous weekend experiment shows once again: it is not so easy to photograph a night sky / a starry sky by long time exposure. The longer the exposure time, the more details can be seen – but from about 30 seconds on, the movement of the stars or the rotation of the earth can be seen. With higher ISO I could shorten the exposure time to 2-3-4 seconds, but the digital ‘dirt’ increases.

Circles of Confusion

Circles of Confusion

The other day while washing dishes found these beautiful circles of confusion and immediately times made a photo. The term “circles of confusion” or the English term “Circles of Confusion” is already for quite a long time a favorite term – and a multi-layered play on words around the photography, circles of friends, origin, etc..

Yes, I know – the photo doesn’t actually show circles, but bubbles. Circles are two-dimensional, bubbles are three-dimensional. But the illustration, the photo is two-dimensional and shows the perpendicular parallel projection of the bubbles in the plane: circles.

In photography, of course, ‘real’ circles of dispersion look a little different.



Solar Eclipse SoFi 2015

Solar Eclipse SoFi 2015

View of the solar eclipse SoFi 2015 at Zionskirchplatz, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg. The sun was of course also despite eclipse so bright that on an ordinary photo hardly something of the spectacle is to be seen – everything faded over. But with closer view one can recognize at least in the light reflections the sun with advanced moon – however turned by 180° – or mirrored. Here a detail enlargement from the first picture:

Sonnenfinsternis 2015 Berlin Tele-Zoom

I had three different cameras and special glasses in use on that day. My Canon did not produce a single usable picture – for the use of a reflex camera I would have had to have also the appropriate filter as well as a tripod. A SONY compact camera delivered at least pictures, on which the sun and the houses were to be recognized – but the actual solar eclipse was not to be recognized on the pictures. Surprisingly, the camera of the iPhone 4s produced the most useful results – even if only via the detour of the light reflections. But still: evidence.

Hanover main station – travelers from below

The floors of the platforms at Hannover Central Station are partially made of frosted glass in some places. On the platform stairs, for example, you can see train passengers from below.

Hanover: streetcar and woman and child

Hannover’s Bahnhofstrasse is a pedestrian zone as it is written in the picture book. And also the station square (forecourt?) is mainly reserved for pedestrians – only now and then a streetcar crosses.

As I walked across the station forecourt, a young man lay across the streetcar tracks. An approaching streetcar stopped briefly. The streetcar remained silent – the people remained silent – nobody complained, nobody shouted. After a few seconds the spook was over, the man got up again and walked a little further. I ‘only’ saw these silent seconds of fright with my own eyes and did not look through the viewfinder of the camera. Therefore there is no picture of the scene here. Instead, I then photographed a woman and a child shot from behind in the back. There I am on the safe side – and keep my Hanover fright seconds all to myself.

Hannover: Bahnhofstraße

Hannover: Bahnhofstraße

The city center of Hannover on an unfriendly February day – it doesn’t get much grayer.

View down Bahnhofstrasse in the direction of the main station. In the foreground the notorious underground row of stores – so the Bahnhofstrasse becomes a two-story pedestrian zone.

Hanover: Marktkirche ('Market Church') with pentagram

Hanover: Marktkirche (‘Market Church’) with pentagram

The Hanover Market Church “Marktkirche St. Georgii et Jacobi” has a pentagram on the steeple – and not only that. If you take a closer look, you will notice all kinds of religious symbols: the clock is framed by a hexagonal star / hexagram (also called David’s shield).

Even if it might be a quite ‘interesting’ thought, but the pentagram on the tower of the Marktkirche has no direct deeper meaning. Only in connection with the other signs on the tower the meaning becomes somewhat clearer. The different symbols are also called signs of life – a web page of the Hannover Church used to explain the different meanings: “Of signs of life and their meaning”. But that page seems to be offline at the moment. However, here is the page about the Marktkirche at Wikipedia.

Kreuzberg yard by night

Kreuzberg yard by night

It’s not really a typical Berlin backyard – but somehow it is a yard. And I was somehow taken with the colorful mix: a ping-pong table, benches, a shopping cart – and a column that looks like a candy cane.

And a little more snow

You have to search if you want to discover a little snow in Berlin this winter. Not beautiful, but rare. Here a little – there a little – somehow the Berlin WInter this year does not really get going. But actually, I’ve seen enough snow this year (Christmas in Northern Finland – pictures below).

Blue sky over Berlin

After half an eternity of typical Berlin winter weather (gray-grey-grey sauce) is worth me today’s sunshine times a separate blog entry. The sun is supposed to show up according to the weather forecast this week even more often – but maybe the weekend is then already again end with fun? Let’s see….

Oderberger Street in fog

Oderberger Street in fog

Berlin winter weather: Oderberger Straße in thick fog. You can barely see from Kastanienalle to Mauerpark.

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